Organization is important. Though dreaming is natural, a concrete plan trumps imagination. Having a vision is vital, and it’s hard to fulfill it when the papers necessary to achieve it are carelessly thrown everywhere. When you’re starting out, get a cardboard box and put all your materials – such as photos, contacts, sketches blueprints, color swatches, lists, and samples – in it. When you need to find or store something, you’ll know where to look.
Buy a sturdy, clothbound computation book which has graph-ruled, numbered pages, and keep it with you until your dream house is a reality. It will help you keep your sketches neat, and your thoughts organized. It can be used to tape or paste in photos, lists, quotes, contractor’s numbers, and anything else associated with your project.
Keep two lists and set priorities. Your ‘need’ list should include your home’s necessities, such as the number of bathrooms, materials and colors used, and whether you require a finished basement or a large dining room. Your ‘want’ list should touch upon your desired nonessentials. In your bedroom, do you want a walk-in closet? A two-way fireplace? An in-ground pool in your backyard? It is essential that you make and refer to these lists. Consider taking it a step further and make one for each section of your house.